
Security Tips


  • Keep your computer up-to-date with antivirus software, operating system patches, firewalls etc. and ensure your browser is set to the highest level of security.
  • Avoid Banking while on public networks.
  • Memorise your password and secret questions. Don't write them down and be sure not to share them with anyone. Ignore the "remember my password" option.
  • Be wary of unsolicited emails or phone calls asking you for passwords - JIB would never ask for these details.
  • Always type JIB's address into your web browser - never follow a link in an email and then enter personal details.
  • Never leave your computer unattended when logged in and log off as soon as you're finished, especially on any public computer.
  • Be wary of any unexpected or supicious looking 'pop-up' windows that appear during your online banking session.